The HIQA Draft Corporate Plan 2025-2027 outlines the strategic direction and objectives of the Health Information and Quality Authority (HIQA) for the next three years. It serves as a roadmap for HIQA, emphasizing its commitment to promoting high standards in health and social care services across Ireland. Here are the key points from the document:
Foreword and Introduction
This plan marks HIQA’s 20th anniversary and reflects on its journey of continuous improvement, innovation, and collaboration in enhancing health and social care.
Strategic Direction
The HIQA Draft Corporate Plan 2025-2027 is designed to achieve tangible outcomes by 2027. It focuses on evidence-informed decision-making, standard setting, and regulation to ensure the best possible outcomes for health and social care.
Objectives and Priorities
HIQA aims to ensure that health and social care providers consistently deliver excellent standards of care and the best possible outcomes for service users. Key priorities include:
– Promoting safety and quality in health and social care services.
– Enhancing the health and welfare of the public by ensuring care is safe, effective, and respectful of individual rights.
– Responding to emerging challenges and opportunities in the health and social care landscape.
Stakeholder Engagement
HIQA developed the Draft Corporate Plan 2025-2027 through an extensive engagement programme with stakeholders, including patients, service users, policymakers, service providers, advocacy groups, HIQA staff, and the wider public.
Implementation and Monitoring
HIQA‘s Board and Executive Management Team will closely monitor and review the implementation of the Corporate Plan. A performance delivery agreement is in place between HIQA and the Department of Health to ensure alignment with Government priorities and external challenges.
Key Assumptions
The expansion of HIQA’s remit will occur on a gradual basis with sufficient time and additional resources.
– Extra resources will be allocated to support unplanned activities.
– Exchequer funding will adjust in accordance with changes to public sector pay scales and overall operating costs.
Human Rights and Sustainability
HIQA is dedicated to promoting human rights and valuing the needs of the communities it serves. The plan integrates sustainability and the UN Sustainable Development Goals into all relevant activities.
Long-term Outcomes
The plan establishes desired outcomes over the next three years while considering longer-term impacts, providing benchmarks for measuring success. Key outcomes include advancing HIQA’s vision and mission through improved health and social care standards and results.
Overall, the HIQA Draft Corporate Plan 2025-2027 is a comprehensive document that outlines a clear strategic direction, prioritizes stakeholder engagement, and emphasizes the importance of quality, safety, and sustainability in health and social care services.